
Ghost Trick has always had a very small fandom, because hardly anyone has ever played it. There's a reason that the fandom motto is "Play Ghost Trick", after all. If you haven't played Ghost Trick and are here somehow, please do. If you have, then please tell your friends and family and the milkman and everyone you pass by on the street and, ahem, maybe I'm getting a little carried away there. Anyhow, while there are places to discuss this amazing game and show off your creativity and whatnot, there was no dedicated fansite for it. I felt the game needed a site that could accumulate information and media relating to it and put it all together that could serve as a valuable resource and so I took on the duty of making a Ghost Trick site.

The site began life as simply being called "Ghost Trick" with a generic "ghosttrick" domain registered for it. I realised that was kind of lazy and unoriginal, and so decided to name it "Temsik Park" after an important location in the game, complete with a brand new domain. The first site was launched in late July 2011, with the second coming in August 2011. A point came at which I spent a few years away from the fandom, before coming back and reuploading the site to Github Pages, and here it has remained ever since.

As for the one responsible for bringing this site to fruition, the webmistress herself, I am Caz, a longtime fan of Shu Takumi's games, starting from the Ace Attorney games. Visual novel games, adventure games, RPGs, basically story driven games are my jam, and it's only natural I would have taken to this fine masterpiece that is Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. If you are interested in seeing what else I get up to or am into, or reading the many fanfiction that I have written, then you can find me on Archive of our Own as yunaffie, and I have the same username on Twitter and Tumblr.

You can see the screens of previous site layouts here. Click on the thumbnails to see.
